Manchester Marathon

Catherine Atkinson

In memory of my dad who died suddenly of an aortic aneurysm in August 2020, aged 65.

100km in April

Nicole Campbell

My Granda has an aortic aneurysm which dissociated last month temporarily blocking blood supply to his legs.

Isle of Wight Challenge for James

James Reddish

Louise's son, James was born with Marfan's Syndrome a hereditary disease which causes aneurysms of the aorta and other arteries. Sadly, after three major operations, James died in April 2017.

Harrison’s TOUGH MUDDER for James

Burnham Bootcamp

For my uncle James

Hulya's Three Peaks Challenge

Hulya Mehmet

My brother, Ercan, was fighting fit, a fireman who looks after himself, eating sensibly and working out regularly in the gym. Towards the end of last year, he felt ‘something pop’ in his chest...