Our Mission

Preventing death from a neglected yet common disease.

What is Aortic Disease?

Aortic disease is mostly due to progressive enlargement of the aorta (aneurysms) or tears (dissection of the aorta).  Neither of these things is a good thing but the good news is that they can be fixed...

Read more about the Aorta


Have you or member of your family been diagnosed with an aortic problem?

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It is common

Approximately 10,000 aortic operations are carried out annually in the UK.

It can be fatal

Aortic diseases are among the top 10 causes of death in men in the developed world


£10,000 could buy a state-of-the art equipment that is making aortic surgery safer

‘Preliminary results of ACT sponsored patient safety study released’

‘The early results of a study into improving safety during redo cardiovascular surgery have been released. The work was sponsored by the Aortic Centre Trust and it was undertaken by Dr Barbara Rosser at the Royal Brompton Hospital London. Results describe the pattern of organs at risk of injury during redo surgery - one of very few studies in the literature to look at this important problem. Full results will be available on the ACT website.


Author: louise medd

Dr Stanley Payne

Stan was a wonderful, warm and loving person. He was a gentle giant and gave the best cwtches ever and will be remembered with a smile for his humor and his generous nature. He was respected and loved by all that knew him . Stan was sadly taken well before his time. The best husband, father, brother, uncle and friend. Stan was my rock, my soulmate and best friend.


Author: Sian Payne

Target amount: £2,147,483,647.00

Amount raised: £325.00

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  • Tell us your story

    Have you had an aortic operation recently? Tell us your story. Read more


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